GRAP 4: Gaur Saundaryam AOA enforced effective measures to control the air pollution

As per the Order dated 17-11-2024, the authorities have implemented GRAP (Graded Response Action Plan) Stage 4, effective immediately. To mitigate current environmental concerns, the following restrictions and implementations will be enforced for Gaur Sundaryam.


Greater Noida West: As per the Order dated 17-11-2024, the authorities have implemented GRAP (Graded Response Action Plan) Stage 4, effective immediately. To mitigate current environmental concerns, the following restrictions and implementations will be enforced for Gaur Sundaryam.

The following activities are strictly prohibited in Gaur Sandaryam:

Public Transport

  • Enhanced public transport services
  • Differential rates to encourage off-peak travel

Dust Generating/Air Pollution Causing Activities

  1. Earthwork (excavation, filling, boring, drilling)
  2. Piling works
  3. Demolition works
  4. Open trench system (sewer, water, drainage, electric cabling)
  5. Brick/Masonry work
  6. Major welding/ Gas-cutting operations (minor welding allowed)
  7. MEP works (except mechanical, electrical, plumbing)
  8. Painting, Polishing, Varnishing
  9. Cement/ Plaster/ Other coatings (except minor indoor repairs)
  10. Cutting/ Grinding fixing tiles, stones, flooring materials (except minor indoor repairs)
  11. Waterproofing work (excluding chemical waterproofing)
  12. Transfer/ Loading/ Unloading of dust-generating materials
  13. Transportation of demolition waste

Mitigation Measures

  • Plan spray water from towers is underway. Notice will be issued separately
  • Maintain tree health
  • Enhance community aesthetics
N-95 mask distributed to all security guards by GS AOA


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