UPSC CAPF Result 2023 declared at, download result PDF here

UPSC Assistant Commandant Result 2023: The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has announced the Central Armed Police Forces (Assistant Commandants), CAPF Result 2023. Candidates who appeared in the examination can check their results from the official website of the Commission at
The UPSC conducted the written examination for CAPF 2023 on August 06. Now, the Commission has declared the roll numbers of the qualified candidates for the Physical Standard Test/ Physical Efficiency Tests and Medical Standards Tests.
The Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) will conduct the Physical Standards Tests/ Physical Efficiency Test and Medical Standard Tests of the qualified candidates. The date, time, and venue of the PST/PET/MST will be intimated to such candidates in due course of time.
UPSC CAPF (ACs): Physical Efficiency Tests (PET)

Test Males Females
(a) 100 Meters race In 16 seconds In 18 seconds
(b) 800 Meters race In 3 minutes 45 seconds In 4 minutes 45 seconds
(c) Long Jump 3.5 meters (3 chances) 3.0 meters (3 chances)
(d) Shot Put 4.5 meters (3 chances)

Also, the candidates who have been declared qualified in the written examination are required to get themselves registered on the official website of the Commission before filling up the Detailed Application Form (DAF) and uploading the scanned copies of relevant certificates/ documents in support of their eligibility, the claim of reservation, etc.
How to check UPSC CAPF (ACs) Result 2023?
Step 1. Visit the official website of the Union Public Service Commission at
Step 2. On the homepage, click on the link that reads, “Written Result: Central Armed Police Forces (ACs) Examination, 2023”
Step 3. A PDF of the result will be displayed on the screen
Step 4. Check your roll number in the result PDF
Step 5. Download and take a printout of the result for future reference
Download: UPSC CAPF Writeen Exam Result 2023
Interview and Personality Assessment
Candidates who pass the Medical Standards Tests will receive an invitation to participate in an Interview and Personality Assessment conducted by the Union Public Service Commission. Candidates who are initially deemed medically unfit but subsequently granted the opportunity to appear before the “Review Medical Board” upon appeal to the Appellate Authority will also be provisionally called for the Interview and Personality Assessment. This assessment will carry a weightage of 150 marks.
The mark sheet of all the candidates who have not qualified will be uploaded on the Commission’s website after the publication of the final result. Candidates will be able to access their mark sheet using their ‘Roll Number’ and ‘Date of Birth’.

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