SSB Admit Card 2023 released for PET and PST on; exams from Sept 29

SSB Admit Card 2023 Out: The Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) has released the Physical Efficiency Test (PET) and Physical Standards Test (PST) Admit Card 2023 for the Non-GD posts of SI, ASI, HC, and CT. The exams will be held from September 29, 2023, onwards.
Candidates who have successfully applied for 1656 vacancies of Non-GD posts of Sub-Inspector(SI), Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI), Assistant Sub-Inspector (Steno), Head Constable, and Constable posts can download their SSB PET PST Admit Card 2023 from the official website
To download your admit card, you will need to enter your registration number and password. Once you have logged in, you will be able to view your admit card, which will show your name, roll number, date of birth, exam centre, and other important details.
It is important to note that you will not be able to enter the exam hall without a valid admit card. Therefore, it is important to download and print your admit card in advance.
SSB Physical Efficiency Test (PET) and Physical Standards Test (PST) for 1656 vacancies are scheduled to be held from 29 September 2023 onwards and Admit Card for the same has been released on the official website of SSB.
Candidates must ensure to carry a hard copy of their SSB Admit Card 2023 and original photo ID proof to the examination venue on the date of examination. Without the SSB PET PST Admit Card 2023, candidates will not be allowed to appear for the examination.
Direct link to download SSB Admit Card 2023
Here are the steps to download SSB Admit Card 2023
Step 1: Open your web browser and go to the official Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) website. The official website link is “”
Step 2: On the SSB homepage, look for the “Admit Card” or “Download Admit Card” section. This section typically contains links to admit card downloads for various SSB examinations.
Step 3: Within the Admit Card section, find the link associated with the specific exam you are appearing for. In this case, it would be the PET PST Admit Card 2023 for non-GD posts.
Step 4: Click on the exam-specific link, and you will be redirected to a login page. Here, you will need to enter your registration number and password, which you would have received during the application process.
Step 5: After entering your login details, click the “Submit” or “Login” button. This will take you to your admit card page, where you can view and download your admit card.
Step 6: Once your admit card is displayed, consider downloading it and saving it as a PDF document on your device. Subsequently, print a hard copy of the admit card. Remember that you will need to carry this hard copy to the examination venue on the scheduled date.
Ensure the accuracy of the information on your admit card, including your name, roll number, date of birth, and examination centre details. It is advisable to download the admit card well in advance of the examination date to avoid any last-minute hassles.

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