MPSC Mains Admit Card 2023: Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) has released the admit card for Group B Mains Examination 2022. Candidates who have qualified for the Mains exam can check and download their hall tickets from the official website at
As per the schedule, the MPSC Group B Mains Paper 1 will be conducted on October 01, 2023. The Commission aims to fill a total of 800 vacancies. Out of these, 603 vacancies are for the Home Department, 78 for the Revenue and Forest Department, 77 for the Finance Department, and 42 for the General Administrative Department.
Candidates can follow the below-mentioned steps to check and download their admit card from the official website.
How to download Group B Mains Admit Card 2022?
Step 1. Visit the official website at
Step 2. On the homepage, go to the ‘Candidates Login’ section
Step 3. Enter your registration details and click on submit
Step 4. Your Group B Mains admit card will be displayed on the screen
Step 5. Download and take a printout of the hall ticket for future reference
Download Link: MPSC Group B Mains 2022 Admit Card
“It is mandatory to bring the original admit card to the examination hall. Without it, admission to the examination centre will not be granted,” reads an official notice.
As per the schedule, the MPSC Group B Mains Paper 1 will be conducted on October 01, 2023. The Commission aims to fill a total of 800 vacancies. Out of these, 603 vacancies are for the Home Department, 78 for the Revenue and Forest Department, 77 for the Finance Department, and 42 for the General Administrative Department.
Candidates can follow the below-mentioned steps to check and download their admit card from the official website.
How to download Group B Mains Admit Card 2022?
Step 1. Visit the official website at
Step 2. On the homepage, go to the ‘Candidates Login’ section
Step 3. Enter your registration details and click on submit
Step 4. Your Group B Mains admit card will be displayed on the screen
Step 5. Download and take a printout of the hall ticket for future reference
Download Link: MPSC Group B Mains 2022 Admit Card
“It is mandatory to bring the original admit card to the examination hall. Without it, admission to the examination centre will not be granted,” reads an official notice.