Prateek Edifice: Mom – Daughters trio on a mission to save Mother Earth, Disposing 400 kg plastic every week

Every month they collect 400 kg of plastic from the flats and send it to a company, where it is disposed of.

Mom Daughters trio making Earth to smile a little bit more !

Noida: Plastic is destructive for environment and very less people do something to save Mother Earth.
Mom and daughter duo, Shalini Sharma and her engineer daughter Shagun Sharma, Shreya Sharma, who is a social worker residents of Prateek Edifice Society of Sector-107, are working diligently to save the planet we all live on. It is the duty of all, but only a few like them are recycling plastic waste. Every week they collect 400 kg of plastic from the flats and send it to a company, where it is disposed of.

‘Everyone must save the environment’

Shalini informed Apartment Times, I have been doing this work for two and a half years. I am conscious of environmental protection. For such work, we all have to come forward, only then our environment will be safe. Before expecting from others, we have to take initiative ourselves. The environment can also poison our lives, so we all have to make efforts to make it clean and better. We do this not only for ourselves but also for our society. When we save ourselves from environmental damage, then understand that we are also saving society.”

‘It’s the need of hour to dispose of plastic’

While talking to the Apartment Times, Shalini talks about the hazardous effects plastic can have on nature as well as human beings.

“Attention should be paid to the optimal disposal of waste plastic found in garbage and proper disposal is the only way to eliminate plastic. Plastic has a bad effect on our trees and plants. Our environment gets polluted. Burning plastic affects the air quality. The breakdown of plastic creates microplastics, which are harmful to the environment. If this plastic reaches animals, they can get many diseases.”

Shalini Sharma

The company buys garbage at Rs 4 per kilogram

We asked Shalini about the way she carries this mission. On this, she informs-

“Through a company, bintix has provides one per apartment every month. the capacity of each bag is approx 5 kg. Along with waste plastic, there is also polythene, cardboard etc. The person whose house gets filled with a five-kilo bag keeps it in a room of the society. For this, we have marked a room of the society. Here, when many bags are collected, the company employees take away the bags.”


‘Always encourages others’

Apartment Times enquired about the much-needed information from Shalini-How much waste has been removed to date? On this she says

“It’s been two and a half years, and about seven thousand kilograms of dry waste has been removed from society. Shagun my daughter is an engineer but is very conscious about environmental protection and always encourages others. Environmental protection can be done well by disposing of plastic and dry waste. As we are doing. We all have to be conscious of the environment, otherwise, the day is not far when we will not be able to bear the wrath of the environment.”


We asked Shalini the exact way how she creates awareness and collects the plastic. Is she doing it door-to-door or any other way? On this, she says-

“We are not collecting door-to-door. We have tied up with a company called Bintix. Then we created awareness in the society and made a group of like-minded people conscious towards the environment. Bintix supplies us with bags every month, which we distribute. Each bag can hold 5kg of plastic and recyclable waste. When the bags are full the residents drop them off in a common room provided by our management. From here the bags are picked up weekly and taken to the recycling site.”


How the idea was generated. How is all this executed?

We asked Shagun about the plan and execution of this project, as it is very successful today and gaining a lot of recognition.

“While travelling the world with my mom and sister, we noticed a big difference in environmental awareness between India and other countries. mom always encouraged both of us to be mindful of water usage and limited resources. we grew up to be extremely conscious of sustainability and waste management.”


How was the journey started ?

As everything seems very easy to others, but nothing is as easy as it seems. We asked Shalini that how was this venture started. On this, she says –

“Five years ago, I discovered Bintix, a company that makes recycling easy and convenient. I started collecting and recycling plastic and paper waste through them. In 2021, when we moved to Prateek Edifice, my daughters were ready to leave the nest. They encouraged me to bring this initiative to our new community since no proper recycling system was in place.”


How much plastic are you able to recycle every week

Knowing about the journey, Apartment Times asked about how many kg of disposition is taking place per week? On this she says –

With support from Bintix, we started the initiative, and to my surprise, the response was amazing! Many residents joined in. Today, we recycle 300–400 kg of plastic waste every week. It feels great to make a positive impact on the environment.


How much are you earning from this CSR

And there is a very comman tendency of human beings that they consider everything as money making business, so we wondered if she is doing it for profit making on monetary basis. On this she says-

I do not earn anything, but the company has come out with an app. Each bag is marked with a QR code. As and when the residents deposit their bags, it is accounted for in the system. They get Rs 4 per kg for their waste. We can use it or donate it to a charity of our choice.


If anyone wishes to join hands with you, what are the chances

We asked if anyone gets inspired from her, whats the scope. She says –

“Currently, my daughter Shagun and Myself are running this initiative. We hope to rope in many more households in the future by initiating campaigns and workshops towards sustainable living.”
Establishment of a sustainability committee in Prateek Edifice society


‘AOA of the society is also very active and working on recycling’

Shalini furthur informs, “Apart from recycling plastic, we have also created a Sustainability committee in our society. With the support of our new PEAOA, we have partnered with IPCA to recycle our wet waste too. They have already installed aerobins to convert wet waste into compost under the guidance of Pratibha Khan, another very active resident of our society. This way we are minimizing the waste going out from our society into the garbage dumps.”


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