OPSC Medical Officer Exam 2023 date announced on opsc.gov.in, check here

NEW DELHI: Odisha Public Service Commission has announced the OPSC Medical Officer Exam 2023 date today, September 29. Candidates who are going to appear for the Medical Officers in Group-A (Junior Branch) Exam 2023 under Advt. No. 14 of 2023-24 can check the schedule on the official website at opsc.gov.in.
As per the notification released, the written examination is scheduled to be held on October 8, 2023, from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM.
The admit cards will be issued from October 4 onwards at the website. Candidates will have to use their login credentials such as registration number and date of birth to download the OPSC Medical Officers hall ticket 2023.
A total of 3141 candidates have been shortlisted to appear for the Medical Officer examination.
Meanwhile, candidates can refer to the below-mentioned step-by-step guide to learn how to download the OPSC Medical Officer Hall Ticket 2023. A direct link will be shared here for candidates once the link is activated on the official website.
How to download OPSC Medical Officer Admit Card 2023?
Step 1: Go to the official website of OPSC at opsc.gov.in
Step 2: On the homepage, click on the link available for the Medical Officer Admit Card 2023.
Step 3: A new window will appear, enter your login details and submit.
Step 4: Your OPSC MO Admit Card 2023 will be displayed on the screen.
Step 5: Download the hall ticket and take its printout for further reference.
The Commission is conducting this recruitment drive to fill up a total of 7276 Medical Officers vacancies. The applicants will be shortlisted for recruitment on the basis of the written exam to be conducted in Cuttack/Bhubaneshwar.
After the admit card is released, candidates must ensure that they download it from the website before the deadline and don’t forget to take a printout of the hall ticket and carry it to the examination centre without fail on the day of the exam. It shall be noted that candidates who don’t carry the admit card to the centre will not be permitted to enter the examination hall.
Further details and information related to the recruitment process will be notified to the candidates through the official website, hence, they are advised to keep checking the official website regularly in order to stay updated.

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