Greater Noida West: Activists unites against the fake dog lovers to end the arbitrariness, also raises concerns for stray dogs safety

Greater Noida West: Residents of high-rise buildings are upset with the increasing graph of dog biting cases and this is taking the nerve now. There is no scope of decline seen since now. The active residents of Greater Noida West have created a WhatsApp group in which all the incidents and past incidents will be discussed and the required action will be taken accordingly.
Dipankar Kumar tweeted today and said that due to the conspiracy of a fake dog lover gang, again a stray dog ​​bit a resident in Panchsheel Greens 2 Society.

Dipanker Kumar says, ” We are against the hypocrisy and atrocities of people who are running the fake dog lovers gang in Noida- Greater Noida West in the name of stray dogs. We have created this group in which a maximum of residents joined themselves with an invite link. The number has reached 457 within a few hours of this group’s creation and there has been an open discussion going on since its creation which proves that the situation is terrible and everyone is suffering.

He continues, ” It is evident that it will be hyped by saying that we are against the animals, so I want to clear that we are not against the animals, we also love animals. We are against the people who are playing with the lives of the residents which are small kids, elderlies etc and biting them daily. We are united and advocating for our views to be expressed legally and peacefully.”

Motive of this group

Through this group, a voice will be sent to the administration against the terror of dogs living in society. The administration should build shelter homes for the stray dogs so that they too are saved from becoming victims of accidents and the people of the society also remain safe. Dipanker alleges that the so-called dog love gang is only interested in taking photographs rather than giving them a better life.

Sudden increaese in dog biting cases and no action towards it

NCR alone especially in the Noida and the Ghaziabad region the terror of dogs has taken the lives of many. In Noida, the terror is of both Street stray as well as pet dogs increasing day by. In the hospital maximum cases are of dog bites. Be it Private hospital or clinic there is a huge number reaching out for rabies vaccination.

Many people were protesting but no result was coming so far
According to the reports, there are more than 50,000 stray dogs. On the app of the authorities, only 10000 stray dogs are registered and officials the authority officials state that more than 45000 stray dogs have been sterilized so far.If it is so, then we want to know why the number of dogs is increasing day by day?

Despite All the efforts dogs are attacking everyone
Agency officials assure that every month they are rescuing 12000 dogs. Two agency are working from authorities direction which are picking 100 stray dogs from parts of Noida every day. They strerlise, vaccinate them and leaves them back in the area. If any complaint is recieved of any dog bite, they pick the dog and take him to the sector 94 centres, keep them under observation for two week and when they see the differnce in the behaviour, they leave him back to his area.

There are many incidents
On October 11, Anand was bitten by stray dogs while going to drop his daughter near the school bus at Panchsheel Green 2 Society.
After the recent incident in Ghaziabad, a dog biting case of one adolescent kid then has been a mission started in NCR to stop the menace of dogs
A few months before a small child of 7 months was mauled by a stray dog attack in sector 100 of Lotus Boulevard Society which resulted in the death of the child.

A common platform to share the same concerns and to reach a solution

Shashi says, “In my society Supertech Ecovillage 1, rules are formed but no one is following them. Residents are not fully updated about who is in charge of the facility and what action is being taken from time to time. It was decided by the estate manager and CFM to put leashes on the stray dogs of society but no action yet. No one knows how many stray dogs are in society vaccinated or not no one knows.”

Arshad says, “It’s high time that we people start writing to the authorities and government to frame strict laws regarding this. Kids and senior citizens are at constant risk”

Dipanker states that there is a risk not only to residents but also to the strays living inside.

The strays being inside a high-rise society, or any densely populated area can pose various challenges and potential dangers, both for the strays and the residents. Here are some reasons why it may be considered dangerous for strays to roam freely within high-rise societies:

  1. Safety of the Strays
  • Traffic Hazards: High-rise societies often have busy roads and parking areas, posing a risk of traffic accidents for strays. small puppies can come under the tyre while sleeping.
  • Poisoning: They may inadvertently ingest toxic substances or food left out by residents, leading to poisoning.
  • Disease Transmission: Close contact with residents’ pets can facilitate the transmission of diseases, like rabies or other infections.
  1. Safety of Residents:
  • Aggressive Behavior: Strays, especially if they feel threatened or are sick, can display aggressive behaviour that may pose a danger to residents, particularly children.
  • Noise Complaints: Barking and other noisy behaviour can disrupt the peace within the society, leading to complaints from residents.
  • Property Damage: Strays may damage property or gardens, leading to financial losses for residents.
  1. Health and Sanitation Concerns:
  • Strays may defecate and urinate in public areas, leading to sanitation issues and the spread of diseases.
  • Fleas and Ticks: Strays can introduce parasites like fleas and ticks into the community.

Dog shelters are a better place for stray dogs

  1. Sheltered Environment:
  • Shelters offer a controlled and safe environment for strays, protecting them from traffic, disease, and adverse weather conditions.
  1. Medical Care:
  • Shelters provide medical care, vaccinations, and treatment for any health issues, improving the overall health of the strays.
  1. Food and Water:
  • Shelters ensure a consistent source of food and clean water for strays, reducing the risk of malnutrition.
  1. Socialization and Adoption:
  • Strays in shelters have a better chance of being socialized, making them more suitable for adoption into loving homes.
  1. Human Interaction:
  • Shelter staff and volunteers provide regular human interaction and care, which can help strays become more comfortable around people.


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