PUNE: The Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) recently organized a special trip for its members to Amboli, Maharashtra. During their visit to Devrai (Sacred Groves) near Amboli, BNHS members discovered hundreds of species of native plants in a small forest patch.
The field trip was led by BNHS scientist Mrugank Prabhu. Members spotted endemic herpetofauna, including the Malabar Pit Viper, Amboli Bush Frog, Malabar Gliding Frog, and the Critically Endangered Amboli Tiger Toad. Additionally, they witnessed bioluminescent fungus during one of the night trails.
The field trip was led by BNHS scientist Mrugank Prabhu. Members spotted endemic herpetofauna, including the Malabar Pit Viper, Amboli Bush Frog, Malabar Gliding Frog, and the Critically Endangered Amboli Tiger Toad. Additionally, they witnessed bioluminescent fungus during one of the night trails.

BNHS members were joined by Mahadev Bhise, Honorary Wildlife Warden of Sindhudurg District, who runs the local NGO, Malabar Nature Conservation Club. Bhise discussed the education and conservation of Amboli’s local flora and fauna, as well as his efforts against the illegal collection of snakes and amphibians from the forest. On the final day, members visited Lingadev Devrai, a sacred grove located just 3 km from Amboli, and learned about its importance in conservation.