Elon Musk sets this ‘naming condition’ to drop lawsuit against ChatGPT maker OpenAI and CEO Sam Altman

Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk vs ChatGPT maker OPenAI tussle continues. In the latest salvo in the ongoing legal battle with OpenAI, the company behind the popular AI tool ChatGPT, Musk has put a condition to drop the lawsuit against the AI company. In a social media post, Musk stated he would drop the lawsuit if OpenAI changes its name to “ClosedAI.”
“We’re sharing some facts about our relationship with Elon Musk, and we intend to move to dismiss all of his claims,” OpenAI posted on X.To that, Musk replied: “Change your name to ClosedAI and I will drop the lawsuit.”
This comes after a public back-and-forth between the two parties. Musk originally sued OpenAI, alleging they strayed from their founding agreement promoting open-source AI development. OpenAI countered, claiming Musk wanted a merger with Tesla or complete control of OpenAI when they discussed a for-profit structure.
Musk responded by calling OpenAI hypocritical and demanding a name change to reflect their alleged shift towards a closed development model. OpenAI further escalated the situation by revealing details of their negotiations, stating Musk desired a controlling stake, board leadership, and the CEO position. Ultimately, these disagreements led to Musk leaving OpenAI.
OpenAI co-founders Greg Brockman, Ilya Sutskever, John Schulman, Sam Altman, and Wojciech Zaremba said that “we couldn’t agree to terms on a for-profit with Elon because we felt it was against the mission for any individual to have absolute control over OpenAI”.
The future of the lawsuit remains uncertain. While Musk’s offer presents a potential resolution, it’s unclear if OpenAI will accept the name change. This public feud highlights the ongoing debate surrounding open-source versus closed development in the field of Artificial Intelligence.

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