Bihar BPSC 32nd Judicial Service Prelims Result 2023 announced on; download PDF here

BPSC 32nd Bihar Judicial Service Prelims Result 2023: The Bihar Public Service Commission, Patna, has recently announced the final answer key and results for the 32nd Bihar Judicial Service (Preliminary) Competitive Examination. This examination took place on June 4, 2023, at various centres in Patna, where a total of 17,819 candidates appeared.
The results have been prepared based on a combined merit list and reservation category-wise merit list, considering the marks obtained in General Studies and Law subjects. The commission has published the roll numbers of 1,675 successful candidates eligible for interviews.
It’s possible that the results might be subject to modification if any clerical or typing errors are identified.
Successful Candidates by Category in 32nd Bihar Judicial Service Prelims Exam 2023

Category Code (01-05) Category Description Number of Successful Candidates
01 Unreserved (UR) 674
07 Economically Weaker Section (EWS) 166
02 Scheduled Caste (SC) 294
03 Scheduled Tribe (ST) 22
04 Backward Class (BC) 319
05 Backward Class (BC) – Female 200
OH Orthopedically Handicapped (OH) 21 (Under horizontal reservation)

Among the successful candidates, 674 belong to the unreserved category (01), 166 to the economically weaker section (07) category, 294 to the Scheduled Caste (02) category, 22 to the Scheduled Tribe (03) category, and 319 to the Backward Class (04) category, with 200 belonging to the Backward Class (05) category. Among these, 21 Orthopedically Handicapped (OH) candidates have been declared successful under the provisions of horizontal reservation based on disability.
The category-wise cut-off marks for the results are as follows:

S. No. Categories Cut-off Marks
1 Unreserved 168
2 Unreserved (Female) 167
3 EWS (Economically Weaker Section) 153
4 EWS (Female) 150
5 SC (Scheduled Caste) 125
6 SC (Female) [No specified cut-off]
7 ST (Scheduled Tribe) 126
8 ST (Female) 125
9 EBC (Extremely Backward Class) 135
10 EBC (Female) 129
11 BC (Backward Class) 150
12 BC (Female) 149
13 Disabled (OH – Orthopedically Handicapped) 136

The mark sheets, including category-wise cut-off marks, for all participating candidates in the examination will be available on the Commission’s website at, under the “Marksheet” section. Candidates can download their mark sheets by entering their roll number or registration number and date of birth.
Information regarding the 32nd Bihar Judicial Service (Main) competitive examination will be provided separately in the near future. Candidates are encouraged to stay updated for further announcements.
For more details and updates, candidates are advised to visit the Bihar Public Service Commission’s official website.
Direct link to download the Bihar BPSC 32nd Judicial Service Prelims Result 2023
How to download the 32nd Bihar Judicial Service Prelims Results?
Step 1: Open your web browser and go to the official website of the Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) at
Step 2: Look for the “Results” or “Results/Marksheet” section on the website’s homepage. This section usually contains links related to examination results.
Step 3: Within the “Results” section, locate and click on the link that corresponds to the “32nd Bihar Judicial Service Preliminary Examination” or a similar title.
Step 4: You may be prompted to enter certain details to access your results. Commonly, you’ll need your roll number or registration number and your date of birth. Provide this information accurately.
Step 5: After entering the required details, click on the “Submit” or “View Results” button to proceed.
Step 6: Once your information is verified, the website should display the results or provide a link to download the result PDF. Click on the link to download and save the PDF to your computer or mobile device.
Remember to double-check the official website for any specific instructions or updates related to result downloads.

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