Noida: A labourer fell from the 9th floor of an under-construction site of Samay Builder, a highrise in Sector 132. He died immediately on the spot. As the police got the info, Thana Sector 126 Police reached the spot and started investigating the matter.
The media in charge of the Police Commissioner says, “A society of Samay Builder is being built in Sector 132 of Thana Sector 126 area. The said society is being constructed by Nihal Builder. While working during the construction of Opera Tower, Rajveer (45 years), Resident of Shahjahanpur district, fell from the 9th floor. In a very critical condition, he was first admitted to Chaudhary Hospital, and then to Yatharth Hospital for treatment. From there, seeing his deteriorating condition, he was admitted to the District Hospital of Noida where he was declared dead.“
The media in charge informed Apartment Times that after getting the information about the incident, Sector 126 police reached the spot and is investigating the matter.