SSC Stenographer Admit Card 2023: The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has announced the Stenographer preliminary (Tier-1) examination 2023. These updates can be found on the official SSC website at
According to the schedule, the SSC Stenographer 2023 Tier-1 Exam is scheduled for October 12 and 13, 2023. Aspiring candidates should note these dates on their calendars. Additionally, it is expected that the admit cards for this examination will be made available during the first week of October 2023.
The primary purpose of the SSC Stenographer exam is to identify suitable candidates for Stenographer Grade C and D positions within various Central Government Ministries, Departments, and Organizations.
The exam pattern for the preliminary examination is straightforward. It is conducted as a Computer-Based Test (CBT) and consists of a total of 200 questions, each carrying one mark. However, candidates should be aware of the negative marking system, where one-third of the marks assigned to a question are deducted for each incorrect response. The time allotted for this examination is 2 hours.
The SSC Stenographer examination unfolds in two stages: Stage 1, which is the Preliminary Exam, and Stage 2, known as the Main Exam. The Preliminary Exam is a computer-based test that features objective-type questions, while the Main Exam consists of written tests with descriptive-type questions.
The preliminary examination covers three key sections, each with a specific number of questions and marks. These sections include General Intelligence and Reasoning with 50 questions worth 50 marks, English Language and Comprehension with 100 questions worth 100 marks, and General Awareness with 50 questions worth 50 marks.
The subjects covered in the Main Exam include General English and Stenography. To be eligible for the Main Exam, candidates must first qualify in the Preliminary Exam. The final selection for Stenographer positions is determined by evaluating candidates’ combined performance in both the Preliminary and Main Exams.
Direct link to download the SSC Steno Admit Card 2023
Here are the steps to download the admit card for the SSC Stenographer 2023 Tier-1 Exam:
Step 1: Start by opening your web browser and navigating to the official Staff Selection Commission (SSC) website, which is
Step 2: Look for the ‘Admit Card’ or ‘Hall Ticket’ section on the SSC homepage. You may need to log in using your registration credentials.
Step 3: In the Admit Card section, locate and select the link corresponding to the SSC Stenographer 2023 Tier-1 Exam.
Step 4: You will be prompted to enter certain details, such as your registration number, date of birth, or other identification information. Ensure accuracy when inputting this information.
Step 5: After providing the required details, click on the ‘Download Admit Card’ or similar button. Your SSC Stenographer Tier-1 Exam admit card will be displayed on the screen.
Step 6: Download the admit card and save it to your device. It’s essential to take a printout of the admit card as it will be required for entry to the examination centre. Keep the printed admit card in a safe place until the exam date.
Make sure to cross-check all the details on the admit card, including your name, exam date, time, and venue. In case of any discrepancies or issues, contact the SSC authorities promptly for assistance.
According to the schedule, the SSC Stenographer 2023 Tier-1 Exam is scheduled for October 12 and 13, 2023. Aspiring candidates should note these dates on their calendars. Additionally, it is expected that the admit cards for this examination will be made available during the first week of October 2023.
The primary purpose of the SSC Stenographer exam is to identify suitable candidates for Stenographer Grade C and D positions within various Central Government Ministries, Departments, and Organizations.
The exam pattern for the preliminary examination is straightforward. It is conducted as a Computer-Based Test (CBT) and consists of a total of 200 questions, each carrying one mark. However, candidates should be aware of the negative marking system, where one-third of the marks assigned to a question are deducted for each incorrect response. The time allotted for this examination is 2 hours.
The SSC Stenographer examination unfolds in two stages: Stage 1, which is the Preliminary Exam, and Stage 2, known as the Main Exam. The Preliminary Exam is a computer-based test that features objective-type questions, while the Main Exam consists of written tests with descriptive-type questions.
The preliminary examination covers three key sections, each with a specific number of questions and marks. These sections include General Intelligence and Reasoning with 50 questions worth 50 marks, English Language and Comprehension with 100 questions worth 100 marks, and General Awareness with 50 questions worth 50 marks.
The subjects covered in the Main Exam include General English and Stenography. To be eligible for the Main Exam, candidates must first qualify in the Preliminary Exam. The final selection for Stenographer positions is determined by evaluating candidates’ combined performance in both the Preliminary and Main Exams.
Direct link to download the SSC Steno Admit Card 2023
Here are the steps to download the admit card for the SSC Stenographer 2023 Tier-1 Exam:
Step 1: Start by opening your web browser and navigating to the official Staff Selection Commission (SSC) website, which is
Step 2: Look for the ‘Admit Card’ or ‘Hall Ticket’ section on the SSC homepage. You may need to log in using your registration credentials.
Step 3: In the Admit Card section, locate and select the link corresponding to the SSC Stenographer 2023 Tier-1 Exam.
Step 4: You will be prompted to enter certain details, such as your registration number, date of birth, or other identification information. Ensure accuracy when inputting this information.
Step 5: After providing the required details, click on the ‘Download Admit Card’ or similar button. Your SSC Stenographer Tier-1 Exam admit card will be displayed on the screen.
Step 6: Download the admit card and save it to your device. It’s essential to take a printout of the admit card as it will be required for entry to the examination centre. Keep the printed admit card in a safe place until the exam date.
Make sure to cross-check all the details on the admit card, including your name, exam date, time, and venue. In case of any discrepancies or issues, contact the SSC authorities promptly for assistance.