Rape | Office on Women’s Health

What happens at the hospital?

You might require a thorough medical examination even if you did not sustain any physical harm. A sexual assault forensic exam is the term for this kind of medical examination. It could take several hours and should be quite thorough.

Giving the doctors and nurses permission to examine you for sexual assault does not obligate you to report the rape to the police. If you consent to the examination, the physicians and nurses will only be able to take your body’s DNA and other evidence with your permission.

A rape kit is a term you may be familiar with. This is a multipurpose container that can be used by a physician, nurse, or examiner to gather evidence of rape. Typically, these kits come with a checklist. This aids in ensuring that all protocols are appropriately followed. They may also include forms for collecting the facts and tubes and envelopes for physical evidence and DNA.

It’s crucial to get this proof. The evidence will be presented in court if the rapist is apprehended and charged. The attacker’s DNA may be added to a national database even in the event that he remains unidentified or unarrested. If the attacker commits the same act in the future, this may allow for a plausible connection.

Usually, the clinic or hospital will schedule a follow-up visit. This will assist in ensuring that any injuries are properly healed and that you receive any additional care—like counseling—that you may require.


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