Foods to Avoid with Tea: Foods to completely avoid pairing with tea |

Tea is a popular beverage all over the world that is valued for its warming properties, health advantages, and variety of flavors. On May 21, people all across the world celebrated International Tea Day to honor this special beverage. Some people start their days with a cup of tea, while others finish their days with one as well. Some people like tea as their only beverage, while others would rather have something to snack on or dip in their tea. Tea is so versatile that there are countless ways to enjoy it.

But not every food goes well with tea, and in fact, some food combinations could work against the tea’s flavor or nutritional value. Let’s examine the meals that are to be totally avoided when consuming tea.
dairy goods

The combining of tea with dairy products, such as milk, cheese, or yogurt, is among the most contentious. Although it’s customary in many cultures to add milk to black tea, studies indicate that this may lessen the health benefits of the tea’s antioxidants since milk proteins can bind with them. For example, the potent antioxidants in tea called catechins may lose some of their potency when milk is added. Moreover, the delicate flavors of green or white teas may be overpowered by the rich, fatty character of dairy products, creating an unappealing flavor profile.

Spicy foods

Another pairing to steer clear of is tea and spicy foods. Tea’s delicate flavors often clash with spicy foods, including those made with hot peppers or strong spices. Spicy foods’ capsaicin can overstimulate the palate, making it challenging to enjoy the tea’s complex flavor. Moreover, the tannins in tea can aggravate digestive tract problems in combination with spicy foods, which could result in upset stomach.

Citrus fruits

While it’s common to add a slice of lemon to some teas, it might be problematic to drink tea alongside citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, or limes. These fruits’ high acidity can cause the tannins in tea to interact negatively, giving the beverage a bitter flavor. Citrus fruits can also change the pH balance in the stomach, which when mixed with tea can make acid reflux worse or cause discomfort.

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Even while chocolate is a delicious treat, it is not the best match for tea. The subtle notes of tea might be overpowered by the rich and powerful flavors of chocolate, particularly dark chocolate. Both chocolate and tea contain caffeine, which can result in an overindulgence in stimulants and jitteriness or insomnia. The combination of tannins from tea and theobromine from chocolate can also create an astringent taste that is unpleasant.


Avoiding combining tea with alcohol is another thing to do. Alcohol can overpower tea’s delicate flavors and counteract its soothing properties. In addition, drinking tea and alcohol together might cause dehydration because they are both diuretics. Additionally, alcohol and tea’s tannins can react to produce an unpleasant, harsh, and bitter flavor.

Strongly flavored meats

When consuming tea, one should stay away from strongly flavored meals like lamb. It can be challenging to appreciate tea because of the strong flavors and high fat content of these foods that can clash with the delicate and sophisticated aromas of the tea. Tea usually delivers a light and refreshing feeling, yet the weight of these meats can make one feel overindulged.

Garlic and onions

Though they are staples in many savory recipes, garlic and onions don’t go well with tea. The delicate and aromatic properties of tea can be overpowered by their strong and persistent flavors, creating an uneven palate experience. The potent flavor of onions and garlic might cling to the tongue, making it hard to appreciate the next sip of tea to the fullest.

Sweet desserts

Although cakes, pastries, and cookies are examples of sweet sweets that seem like a perfect match for tea, they might actually take away from the experience. These sweets’ excessive sugar content might overpower the tongue, giving the tea a harsh, rather than sweet, flavor. Furthermore, the combination of sugar and caffeine can lead to a rapid spike in blood sugar levels followed by a crash, which can be uncomfortable.

High-fat foods

It is preferable to avoid high-fat items with tea, such as buttery pastries, creamy sauces, and fried snacks. These dishes’ rich, fatty texture might dull the tongue, making it difficult to properly enjoy the tea’s nuances. Tea and foods high in fat can be too much for the stomach to handle together, which can cause upset stomach.


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